Extension of Annual General Meeting

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the ministry of corporate affairs reduce the company compliance burden on the corporate sector with partial opening up the industry, MCA has received several representations to allow companies to Extension of AGM (Annual General Meeting) date for the financial year. In this article, we discuss the extension of the AGM date and its key aspects.
Know About AGM
An annual general meeting (AGM) is a yearly meeting between the shareholders of a company and its board of directors. Usually, this is the only time that the directors and shareholders will meet throughout the year, so it is a chance for the directors to present the company’s annual report.

What happens at an annual general meeting?
During an AGM, a company’s performance is examined and its future strategy is discussed. This is a chance for shareholders to question the board, get answers for unsatisfactory performance, and challenge them in the direction of the company.

• An AGM is a time to praise good returns. • Votes can also be checked during an AGM, allowing shareholders to vote on company decisions, and fill any vacant positions on the board of directors. • Shareholders who prefer not to attend the meeting can normally vote by proxy, which can be made by post or by giving permission for another shareholder to vote on their behalf.

Extension of AGM Date
Due to the widespread of COVID-19 and social distancing measures and significant restrictions, MCA has received several requests to allow companies to extend of AGM date for the financial year ended. The topic was reviewed where MCA published the circular number dated 05.05.2020 concerning holding of AGM through video conferencing. Again MCA published General Circular no. 28/2020 dated 17th August 2020 has published a clarification on the extension of the AGM date for the financial year ended as at 31.03.2020. Know more about the extension of the AGM date in detail.

Why a Custom Made Tshirt is a Great Business Decision

Custom printing is playing an increasingly important role for businesses, large and small and there are good reasons why. There are a lot of printing services to choose from but doing some research is worth the effort. Here is a look at why custom t-shirts create an advantage for your business over your competition who does not.

Creating comfortable uniforms

In a setting where it is appropriate to dress somewhat casually, t-shirts with branding and a logo on them are a great way to create a uniform for your employees. With custom made tshirt options your workers have less wear and tear on their own clothing, do not have to think about what to wear and as they go to and from work they are marketing for you and representing your business. They are comfortable, can be original and come in all sizes to fit all shapes. Tucked in they look smarter, especially if paired with slightly more formal bottoms, it means they are not roasting on hot days, and you can even use them to show who is managerial and who are in sales.

Using them for marketing purposes

A big part of wanting to invest in printed t-shirts is the marketing opportunity they offer. A lot of businesses can have them made and then give them away as rewards to loyal customers, as prizes on social media, as gifts at conferences. With more people wearing your logo as well as your employees, you are advertising your business wherever they go with very little costs involved and little effort once that initial printing is ordered. You can use writing to create a catchphrase of some kind, an image for your logo, your business name. In some cases, you could even have your address or your website on it. For as long as those people wear those t-shirts you get more marketing.

Creating a team

People wearing the same t-shirts create a team feeling. Whether it is for a sporting team, graduating class, or a corporation, wearing the same t-shirts unites them. As well as making your employees easier to identify at large events, it can encourage them to work together and be more productive as a result. It does not cost much to boost team morale with a custom made tshirt either.

To sell and give away as merchandise

Custom printing is a great way to get creative and come up with something people appreciate and then link to you and your business in a positive way. If it looks great and is a decent t-shirt you can even give them away or sell them and people are happy to wear them not just as a one-off, but as a part of their usual casual wardrobe. They might even become return customers and ask you about when your next design is out. They then become loyal customers and will praise your business to others. You get not just marketing but a good reputation this way.

If You Want to Invest in Real Estate – Find Your Local Real Estate Investment Association!

Enter the phrase “real estate investing association” followed by any city into your favorite online search engine and you are bound to get a flood of returns. You will find associations that meet in person, some that meet online, others that are simply designed to deliver information and opportunities for investors. No matter what the alternatives are in your area, if you are going to invest in real estate, this is a first step you must take.


Most real estate associations are organized and operated by local real estate investors. Some are set up as for-profit entities and others are set up as nonprofits. The biggest difference between the set ups is the quality of the content and the dedication of the operators. In a for-profit situation, the operators of the association are using the club as an opportunity to connect with local, experienced investors and first timers who are interested in getting started. The content is usually very good, but will often times be reserved only for those who are paying customers. Their topics tend to be universal in nature and not just reserved for a particular area. They also attract big name speakers and their talks can come with either additional costs or product pitches to help pay for the expense of bringing in high profile speakers. Many of these types of clubs have multiple meeting times and multiple functions each month designed to help every level of investor.

Nonprofits tend to be only slightly less organized, but they do have very good material. Usually the material is presented by local investors and not top-notch national speakers as they tend to be too expensive. Another bonus for nonprofit associations is that they tend to have presenters who are actively investing in a community or local leaders such as banks, insurance agents and even real estate agents who are able to present on more localized topics.

A new phenomenon is the online association that is still designed for a particular area. The nice thing about a group like this is that even in your own home, you are able to join in on discussions, participate in online presentations and interact with other investors in your community. These types of groups tend to be very free-flowing with a lot of local topics and discussion from multiple sources. A downfall of online groups is the lack of a moderator to screen discussion and as a participant you must be aware that not all advice comes from experienced, active investors.


The benefits for an investor when they join a local real estate investors association are many, but can definitely vary from one organization to another. The biggest benefit with any such organization is the opportunity to surround yourself with like minded individuals who can assist you with your success. Even if you are only able to make one good contact that you would not have had otherwise, the return on your investment in time and money can be enormous.

Most beginner investment books discuss the concept of team building and developing a group of individuals that handle all of your essential services. Local real estate investors associations is the location where you can find all of the resources and team members you could possibly need and as you get to know these possible team members through the meetings, you can decide which will fit best on your team. This allows you to interview and interact with all the essential team members before you do any deals.

The second biggest benefit after surrounding yourself with like minded individuals and possible team members is the access you gain to knowledge and experience. For investment associations that meet live, the atmosphere that is created in a live setting cannot be denied. The opportunity to hear from other investors and the mistakes that they have made in the past as well as the successes that they have had is invaluable. I have belonged to five different real estate investors associations in the past and have not only met great individuals, but have been greatly inspired and motivated by the stories and opportunities they presented.

Finally, the training you can receive at a local real estate investors association is very important. Most organizations have designated classes or presentations geared toward new investors that are meant as pure education platforms. No selling is involved in these types of classes. Most have question and answer sessions for you to get advice and to hear the questions of other investors.

Regardless of the type of organization you can join, it is vital to the success of most beginner investors that they join an organization and begin to network with other investors. It speeds the learning curve and can greatly reduce the number of mistakes a new investor may make.


As I mentioned early in the article, you can use your preferred search engine to search for “real estate investor associations” and you are going to get hundreds of returns from online organizations which are great resources of information. But if you want to really expand and network, you are going to have to search locally and add the name of you the nearest city to your search. Memphis as an example has two organizations that meet in person and each are nonprofits. One hosts a monthly night meeting and the other hosts a monthly lunch meeting. There is also an online association in Memphis that ties investors from all over back to their investments in Memphis. So an investor looking for an association to join in Memphis will find at least three good alternatives. Most likely, that will be the case in any major metropolitan area.

Once you decide to get started in real estate investing, search for and find the groups. From there, it is up to you to take the next step and join!